Regular Meeting of Wilmington City Council

Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.

Council Chambers
Louis L. Redding City/County Building
800 North French Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19801


  1. Call to Order
    Pledge of Allegiance
    Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Committee Reports
  4. Acceptance of Treasurer's Report

5. Non-legislative Business

All Council Commend Wallace Saunders, Tina Smith and Kathleen Hopkins’ Rescue of Victim
M. Brown Sympathy Deacon James B. Manley
Cabrera Congratulate Tahjae Michelle Rogers, North Brandywine Village Civic Association Good Citizen Honoree
Cabrera Congratulate Virginia Esteban (José Martí Gold Award for Outstanding Editorial Column)
Dorsey Walker Recognize Nation of Moorish Americans
Gregory Tribute Hanover Presbyterian Church and the Female Harmony Society
Gregory Bernedette Winton Retirement from Kingswood
Shabazz Welcome Mimi Brown – WDAS Radio
Shabazz Congratulate Our Time Honorees
Williams Recognize Sam Beard – “Lifetime Achievement Award”
Williams Recognize Peg Tigue – “2014 David G. Menser Award”
Williams Downtown Visions 20th Anniversary
Williams Recognize Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month
Williams Congratulate Community Athletic League All Stars
Wright Sympathy Alma C. Cooper Stewart
Wright Sympathy Ruth A. Jervey
Wright Best wishes Walter Lee Mitchell – 90th Birthday

5. Legislative Business

Darius J. Brown: 3rd District

Revision 1 to Agenda #3976
Ordinance 14-042
3rd & Final Reading
Establish a minimum wage paid by those parties who enter into contracts with the City
Synopsis This Ordinance is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing a minimum wage of $10.10 per hour to be paid to employees of entities that enter into a contract with the City as a result of a competitive bid process. The new minimum wage law would become effective on January 1, 2015. The new law would not apply to City contracts in effect prior to January 1, 2015. The requirements of this Ordinance do not apply to the purchases of goods by the City for which competitive bidding is not required. This law is similar to an Executive Order issued by President Obama on February 12, 2014 which requires parties entering into contracts with the Federal government to pay a minimum wage of $10.10 per hour.
Agenda #3991
Accepting the donation of 507 Vandever Avenue from the Bank of New York Mellon Trust
Synopsis This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the City (Department of Real Estate and Housing) to accept this property as a donation from the Bank of New York Mellon Trust. The City will either transfer the property to another party in order for it to be redeveloped, or the City will redevelop the property itself in an effort to support redevelopment efforts underway in the Vandever Avenue area.
Agenda #3992
Accepting the donation of 927 Bennett Street and 911 Pine Street from the US Bank National Association Trustee
Synopsis This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the City (Department of Real Estate and Housing) to accept this property as a donation from the US Bank National Association Trustee. The City will either transfer the property to another party in order for it to be redeveloped, or the City will redevelop the property itself in an effort to support redevelopment efforts underway in the eastside of the City.

Hanifa G.N. Shabazz: 4th District

Agenda #3977
Ordinance 14-043
3rd & Final Reading
Authorize a multi-year Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Services (“SCADA”) agreement with Allied Control Services, Inc.
Synopsis This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the City to enter into a one-year contract (with an option to renew for three additional consecutive years) with Allied Control Services, Inc. (ACS) to assess, recommend and implement improvements to the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system (SCADA) of the Water Division within the Department of Public Works. The initial one-year contract, and each of the three, one-year optional renewal periods carries an estimated annual cost of $350,000. If all four years are exercised, the contract has a not-to-exceed cost of $1.4 million. ACS was selected by the City through a competitive bid process. The City originally entered into a one-year contract with ACS in the spring of 2013 with Council’s approval and now seeks to extend the working agreement.
Agenda #3978
Ordinance 14-044
3rd & Final Reading
Authorize City Contract 15023PW – Gasoline, Heating Oil and Diesel Fuel delivery services with James River Solutions, LLC
Synopsis This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the City to enter into a one-year contract (with an option to renew for two consecutive years) with James River Solutions, LLC for supplies of gasoline, heating oil and diesel fuel for various City buildings and vehicles. The cost of the one-year contract is $1,952,185.50. The annual cost for the two subsequent years of the agreement will fluctuate based on market conditions but will be determined based on Oil Price Information Service (OPIS) benchmark prices plus a fixed delivery fee.
Agenda #3993
Authorizing the Department of Public Works to accept a Wastewater Planning Matching Grant in support of evaluation of the viability of a combined sewer overflow storage facility
Synopsis This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the City (Department of Public Works) to accept a $55,000 grant from the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) for an evaluation to determine the viability of a Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) storage facility at an abandoned quarry on 14th Street. Such a storage facility would help mitigate stormwater runoff from CSO 4a which is the highest volume outfall CSO in the City. If it is determined to be a viable project, the City could significantly boost its CSO capture rate thus improving its Long Term Control Plan for the CSO system. There is no local match required for this grant.
Agenda #3994
1st & 2nd Reading
Regarding the agreement between the City, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control and the Rotary Club of Wilmington for the improvements to H. Fletcher Brown Park
Synopsis This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be approving an agreement between the City, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control and the Rotary Club of Wilmington regarding certain improvements to H. Fletcher Brown Park, which is bordered by Market Street, Orange Street, 14th Street and the Brandywine River. Improvements would include an outdoor amphitheater, public event space, play spaces among other amenities that would enhance the appearance, functionality and community use of the Park. This effort is being carried out in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Rotary Club of Wilmington.

Charles M. "Bud" Freel: 8th District

Agenda #3921
Ordinance 14-019
3rd & Final Reading
Enact Certain Traffic/Parking Regulations
Synopsis This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration and City Council for Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the Department of Public Works to make changes in traffic and parking regulations affecting certain streets in the City. Streets affected include potions of the following roadways: North Dupont, Cedar, North Shipley, West 17th, West 9th and West 4th.
Agenda #3987
Ordinance 14-048
3rd & Final Reading
Constituting Amendment No. 2 to Fiscal Year 2015 Operating Budget (being an ordinance to amend Substitute No. 1 to Ordinance No. 14-016, As Amended), by making changes to the Fiscal Year 2015 Position Allocation List for the City Auditor’s Office
Synopsis This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing as change in the City’s Position Allocation List as it relates to the Office of the City Auditor. In particular, the appointed position of “Auditing Administrative Assistant” would be removed from the list and a merit position entitled “Staff Auditor” with a pay grade of “P” would be added to the list. In addition, the title of “Senior Auditor-IT” would be changed to “Senior Auditor” with no change in pay grade. There is no fiscal impact to the FY 2015 City Operating Budget as a result of these changes.
Revision 1 to Agenda #3988
Ordinance 14-049
3rd & Final Reading
Authorize the issuance of the City’s General Obligation Bonds, in order to provide the funds necessary to finance the costs of acquiring containers for municipal solid waste collection and recycling receptacles for use within the city limits,; providing for the sale of the Bonds; and authorizing other necessary action
Synopsis This Ordinance is being presented by the Administration for Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the Administration to issue up to $1 million of General Obligation Bonds to finance the acquisition of containers to be used for the City’s curbside recycling program and for the disposal/collection of solid waste materials. This Ordinance would also pay the costs associated with the issuance of the Bonds.
Agenda #3995
1st & 2nd Reading
Authorize an agreement with Lerro Corporation to provide on-site engineering services for WITN TV
Synopsis This Ordinance is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing a three-year agreement whereby the Lerro Corporation would provide on-site engineering services for WITN, Wilmington’s government access television station (Channel 22 on the Comcast system). The annual cost of the agreement is $15,000 and would expire December 31, 2017 unless it is terminated sooner as provided for within the agreement. The Lerro Corporation currently provides engineering services under a similar three-year agreement and Council wishes to continue that arrangement at no increase in the annual cost of the contract.
Agenda #3996
Authorizing the Department of Public Works to accept a Universal Recycling Grant from the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) for partial funding of the City’s SMART Program
Synopsis This Resolution is being presented by the Administration for City Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be authorizing the City (Department of Public Works) to accept a $143,150 grant from the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) to support the City’s SMART (Saving Money and Reducing Trash) program. The SMART program is part of a strategy to improve waste management by increasing the City’s recycling rate. There is no local match required for this grant.
Agenda #3997
1st & 2nd Reading
Amend Chapter 44 of the City Code regarding adoption of County annual and quarterly assessment of municipal property
Synopsis This Ordinance is being presented by City Council for Council’s review and approval. If approved, Council would be amending Chapter 44 of the Wilmington City Code, specifically Section 44-31, relating to the City’s adoption of annual and quarterly assessments of municipal property by the New Castle County Board of Assessment. The ordinance, while maintaining the City’s use of County property assessments within Wilmington’s borders, directs the Finance Department to designate a contact person to serve as the liaison with the New Castle County Department of Land Use, to provide assistance in researching properties under an assessment appeal, and to report to City Administration officials and Members of City Council.
  1. Petitions and Communications
  2. Adjournment